SunnySky Edge Lite R2306 2700kv
The latest in the Edge Lite series from SunnySky, offering a larger stator from their previous motors in the series.
The latest in the Edge Lite series from SunnySky, offering a larger stator from their previous motors in the series.
Emax seeks to dominate once again with the release of this larger stator monster built with same attention to detail as the RS-S series.
This is another new player in the motor game with an impressive first offering in the 2206 class.
This is the high Kv variant in the F60Pro lineup.
This is the special 2600kv team edition of the 2207 Champion series motors from Cobra.
This is the hyper little brother of the Oomph 2206 2300kv, trading weight for KV.
This is the high KV variant of the Hyperlite V3 motor from Piroflip, based on the ubiquitous BrotherHobby R3 design.
This is the high KV variant of the ReadyMadeRC Rifle motor, made for T-Motor for RMRC.
Another offering in the F series Pro line from T-Motor, this is the smaller brother of the F60Pro.
This is the high KV brother of the 2207 2400kv motor that was already on the bench, a variant of the Returner R3 line custom made for Multicopter Builders, who sent it over for testing.