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5 Results found for "primo"
1. Multicopter Builders Primo 2208 2350kv
...It's a fairly narrow market, but they have produced some really well targeted gear in the past. Their Primo line of motors has been shown in the past to be a really excellent balance of weight, power...
2. Multicopter Builders Primo 2207 2650kv
...has a history of speccing great motors, from the original R3 based 2206 and 2207 motors to the new Primo 2450 Kv sibbling of this one. This higher Kv version is essentialy identical to the...
3. Multicopter Builders Primo 2207 2450kv
...2207. This motor drops the weight a bit more and ads in some upgrades long the way. The Primo manages to shave a full gram off the previous design coming in at 30g flat, while adding in a...
4. BrotherHobby Returner R5 2306 2450kv
...Results I was very curious to test this motor essentially back-to-back with the Multicopter Builders Primo 2450kv, given the similar vintage of the two motors. There has long been a debate over the differences...
5. DroneBuildz Demon 2207 2450kv
...we've seen coming in at right at 30g with 40mm of wire. This puts it in direct competition with the Primo and Xilo 2207s for weight, and pits it against motors with much smaller stator size in terms...